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Webinar Date: 23 December, 2020 (Wednesday)
Webinar Time: 11:00 A.M. (PST)
Seminar Theme
Several transboundary rivers are being shared in South Asia by neighboring states within a certain framework. There are generally four major basins (Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna and Indus) and consist of huge rivers flowing into various countries of South Asia including China, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Various treaties were signed between South Asian countries regarding transboundary water disputes. Among all, treaty between India and Pakistan is most successful even after several wars between both countries. River Indus and River Kabul join each other at Attock. River Kabul is considered as a major source of water in River Indus. Afghanistan is trying to build various dams on River Kabul. Currently, there is no water treaty signed between both countries. Countries in the region are developing new projects on their rivers and certainly act as source of transboundary pollution, decrease in quantum of water, manipulation of water flows and downstream temporal change in land cover and river course due to decrease in water flows. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously monitor the plans of countries regarding the construction of dams and other reservoirs on rivers. The purpose of this Webinar International Seminar is to review the current status of transboundary issues and conflicts among the countries that certainly help in updating the knowledge professions, planners, researchers and students etc.
For More Queries
Contact: 042-99250256
Email : twm20@cewre.edu.pk