CAN – CEWRE ALUMNI NETWORK is a group created with objectives to promote and facilitate the education, research and other activities of the Centre, and to strengthed relationship among the Centre Alumni, present students and staff. Main objectives of the CAN are: 

  • To establish a secure database of alumni of the Centre and members of the association to help people connect with each other.
  • To encourage the Alumni to take an active interest and participate in progress and development of the Centre.
  • To help the alumni in technical problems through involvement (voluntary or otherwise) of other alumni and faculty of the Centre.
  • To organize and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students.
  • To institute prizes and awards for outstanding project work, research papers or other professional activity by the students of the Institute.
  • To recognize outstanding social and community service by the Alumni and the students.
  • To print, publish and circulate articles, newsletters, journals, bulletins, pamphlets, posters, that the Association deems fit/desirable for promotion and persistence of its objectives.

To do all such other lawful things as are conductive or incidental to the attainment of the above objectives and/or beneficial to the interests of the Centre and its Alumni, it give immense pleasure to invite all of you as honorable Alumni member of the CAN. Please send me your basic information i.e., Name, Registration Number, Discipline, Supervisor Name, Year of Passing, Present Working Status, Mailing & Permanent Addresses, Phone, Cell, Email Address by postal or email at the address below:

Alumni Coordinator

Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan



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